Parent Coming Out
Parents have stages of coming out that mirror the Coming Out for youth. The stages and feelings for parents are different from the stages for youth. Once you know your child is gay, the next task is telling someone, a vital function in beginning one’s acceptance of their child.
The confidant’s reaction has a powerful impact. If negative, it can confirm old prejudices. If positive, it can counteract old prejudices and permit individuals to begin accepting their adolescent’s sexual feelings and increase self-esteem. But no one can develop self-concepts such as accepted, valued or worthwhile all alone. Acceptance by a parent is an extremely powerful force for self-acceptance.
Coming Out
Dr. Robert McLaughlin introduces us to sharing about our loved one’s sexual orientation or gender identity with others in our social network. Today we live a different world than even ten years ago. Evaluate your own family situation to determine how Dr. McLaughlin’s expertise can be applied to your family. Although the following video is shown in another section of this site, it sets the proper context for parents coming out to their entire family concerning their child’s sexuality.
Reasons for Coming Out
Evaluate your own situation to determine how Dr. McLaughlin’s expertise can be applied to your family.
Unintended-Malicious Disclosure
There are always some persons who are well meaning that want to help you with your coming out. Or, someone who is spiteful wanting to cause you harm. Listen to Dr. McLaughlin’s approach to dealing with the disclosure.
The Unintended-Malicious Disclosure is something that will always be remembered. Be aware!