What if my child is gay?

Why are some people gay?

What does bisexual mean?

What does transgender mean?

The coming out process

Telling others your child is gay


Understanding Gay

The Association for Family and Community Integrity Inc (AFCI) is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The goals and mission of AFCI are to reduce rejection among LGBTQ youth by educating families and communities. 


A world where LGBTQ+ persons are accepted, loved, and nurtured by their families in a safe and supportive home.


Ending rejection of LGBTQ+ youth by advocating for them and educating their families, counselors, and educators.

Mind a Couple of Questions?

We don't share information and would greatly appreciate a little information to tailor our resources for those who are here.

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AFCI Education Center

What Does Gay Mean?

We use the term “gay” as an umbrella word that includes: Bisexual people, Transgender people, Queer/Non-binary people, Lesbian/homosexual women, Gay/homosexual men.

Is Gay Normal?

Every major medical health organization has concluded that sexual orientation and gender identity are aspects of human diversity to be treated with dignity and respect.

Is Gay a Choice?

The easiest way to know if this is a choice is to ask gay people. They will tell you that they did not choose to be gay. If being gay, lesbian or bisexual is a choice then being heterosexual is, also.

How Many People Are Gay?

LGBTQ identity varies according to the definition used, specifically whether one is referring to self identity, attraction, sexual behavior, relationships, gender identity, gender expression or conformity.


AFCI believes that basic human rights include a loving and nurturing environment in which to grow and develop. Every child deserves to be loved and accepted, even if not yet understood.

Religion & Human Rights

The goals and mission of AFCI Houston is to reduce rejection among LGBTQ+ youth by educating families. We believe basic human rights include a loving and nurturing environment.

AFCI is wholly dependent upon the contributions of individuals,

foundations, corporations, and business partners for working toward

the mission and goals of AFCI.

Special thanks to:


Association for Family and Community Integrity, Inc.

P.O. Box 667341
Houston, TX 77266

Email: afci@afcihouston.org
Facebook: @AFCIHouston
Twitter: @AFCIHouston
Instagram: @understandlgbtq

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