AFCI Board Meeting: September 8, 2022

The AFCI Board will meet via Zoom on September 8th at 7 p.m. For more information email
Partners in Prevention Conference September 13-15, 2022, Corpus Christi

Partners in Prevention Conference will take place September 13-15, 2022 in Corpus Christi, Texas. The Partners in Prevention Conference is the largest annual gathering of prevention and early intervention professionals in Texas. The conference attracts parent educators, youth service providers, civic leaders, policy advocates, researchers, DFPS staff, Prevention and Early Intervention grantees, and others with a professional interest in child and family well-being, youth development, and juvenile justice. Attendees benefit from a wide variety of presentations, including but not limited to, lived experience from parents and youth, fatherhood engagement, ethics, diversity, equity and inclusion, program evaluation, home visiting, and positive youth development.
Texas School Nurse Conference November 4 – 6, 2022, Houston, Texas

The purpose of this conference is to provide evidence-based and/or best practice
educational offerings that address identified gaps in knowledge and skills, promote
excellence in clinical practice and improve quality of health care that School Nurses
deliver in schools, which is an independent practice setting. The provided knowledge and
skills encompass the most current guidelines and standards for the management of
chronic and acute health-related conditions including nursing care management and
implications for mental health related issues, diabetes, spinal abnormalities, pediatric
sports injuries, long covid, multisystem syndrome, as well as resiliency, leadership
growth and delegation. The desired outcome of the 2022 TSNO Conference is for nurses to
implement their enhanced knowledge to meet the chronic, acute, and psychological health
needs of students while advocating optimal physical and mental health for academic
success through the building of resiliency. This achievement will be evident through written
feedback from participants by means of the online evaluation tool.
Annual TCA Professional Growth Conference November 9 – 11, 2022, Dallas, TX

The Annual TCA Professional Growth Conference is the Texas Counseling Association’s largest annual conference, drawing approximately 2,000 professional counselors. The three-day annual event (Wed-Fri) in November regularly features around 100 programs with Pre-Conference Learning Institutes on Wednesday.
The Professional Growth Conference provides continuing education and networking opportunities to professional counselors who provide services in private practice; at elementary and secondary schools; on college campuses; in criminal justice settings; at community mental health centers, hospitals, nursing homes and managed care facilities; and in other settings across Texas.
AFCI Board Meeting: December 8, 2022

The AFCI Board will meet via Zoom on December 8th at 7 p.m. For more information email